古典吧>英语词典>leaf through翻译和用法

leaf through

英 [liːf θruː]

美 [liːf θruː]

翻阅; 浏览


  • PHRASAL VERB 翻阅;浏览
    If youleaf throughsomething such as a book or magazine, you turn the pages without reading or looking at them very carefully.
    1. Most patients derive enjoyment from leafing through old picture albums.


  • Leaf through the management journals and you will soon learn that imprisoning capital and talent inside large organisations is an outdated way of doing things, forcing otherwise creative people into a bureaucratic arm-lock.
  • The ROS accumulated in the process of cold acclimation might induce the leaf to acquire freezing tolerance through its anti-oxidative system.
  • But this doesn't give you the right to leaf through a checkbook or what is obviously personal correspondence.
  • With them we needn't bother to leaf through the heavy dictionaries.
  • You can't leaf through the pages to compare parts of the text or to see what your eye finds at random.
  • To find proof, you have only to leaf through a magazine or newspaper or count the radio or television commercials that you hear in one evening.
  • Replaced of the parameter in morphogenesis model by each coordinate in Bezier Curve, elongate and contorting of virtual leaf was fulfilled through the change of coordinate.
  • Whenever you make some money, leaf through your diary and ask whether you could have done any past trades differently in light of what you have just learned.
  • The mechanism of pressing the juice out of the treated fresh tea leaf was studied through analysis and experiments.
  • The study showed that the result of pattern recognition of leaf tobacco quality acquired through artificial neural network agrees with the reality.